Advertising & Pre-Testing


Typically, we combine quantitative and qualitative techniques to assess the impact of pre and post advertising campaigns. We don’t really believe in black box techniques, but prefer instead to build up client / sector specific normative databases, as a guide to overall performance. Typically, our quantitative measurement is via online interview, to the target audience, for the KPIs. Deep dive of qualitative exploration as an enhanced module helps us to best diagnose the areas for improvement to be made

The tailored approach that we adopt to advertising evaluation allows us to assess individual campaigns in the most appropriate way for our clients, rather than as the a convenient template way for ourselves


While research that explores branding and segmentation of the market typically cover the same areas, we use a number of approaches to measure the performance of the brand overall (in terms of KPIs) and whether the brand should look at different segments within their target, as opposed to the market overall. In Malaysia, culture and race typically play an important role in how a brand is perceived, along with other variables such as lifestyle, motivations, outlook and demographics

No one brand research fits all! That is our philosophy. Our own Brand Funnels and Brand Equity measurements allow our clients to determine and track brand performance in a consistent and user-friendly way, that makes sense to all reviewing the research. We encourage our client to conduct qualitative deep dives of target consumers, to accompany the quantitative framework for best insights, to dig out those nuggets that are most hidden away



 Branding & Segmentation



 Community Panels


Green Zebras has worked with our clients to develop proprietary Community Panels that are the backbone of the research programme. The size and composition of Community Panels vary, depending on the needs of our clients. They range from larger scale panels (n=1,000 +) to smaller panels (n=100). Recruitment is either done via our clients’ database or via fresh recruitment, based on the specific requirements for panellists


Community Panels allow our clients to access a group of engaged individuals (customers and non-customers), who have been recruited for their needs. A community panel allows quick and easy quantitative and qualitative feedback for hot topics in the client’s company, where input is required on a “asap” basis!


 Customer Experience

We conduct customer experience (engagement / satisfaction) research with a keen eye on the right segment to recruit. Our client’s own customers, of course, have the keenest perspective on what the brand or product is doing well or not so well! However, it may also be important to also speak to those people who choose to buy / use the competitor brand, or who used to be our customer but lapsed to other brands in the marketplace. We like including comparative brands / customer benchmarks, as part of the Customer Experience research landscape. Qualitative techniques bring the customers to life, while a quantitative approach provides a strong, overall perspective to the category. This is especially important, when tracking performance over time. You might not be surprised to know that we like to include both qual & quant, to understand the full customer experience :)

There are lots of ways of measuring customer satisfaction or overall customer experience. For the overall KPI, we have in the past used single questions, multi questions (weighted), approaches such as the Net Promotor Score, a segmentation by brand liking. Each of these approaches is fine and typically, we see the same picture in relative terms for our client’s brand performance versus key competitors. Most important is that we include all of the key parameters in our questionnaires,  discussion guides & analysis, to make sure we can tell our clients what they can improve, how best to move forward and action plans that should be made!



Data Collection Processing 

We like to say that we are methodology neutral! We propose the most appropriate means of collecting data to our clients, depending on the objectives of the study (rather than just proposing a methodology that we would be most convenient to us). Typically, now most of our client quantitative projects are conducted online, although product testing and some customer surveys may be exceptions to this rule. For qualitative projects, we conduct either face-to-face sessions (FGDs and IDIs) or online FGDs. 

Quantitative studies that are conducted online tend to be faster and cheaper for our clients, so we tend to like this approach. These days, online panels in locations such as Malaysia are robust and data is reliable. Many projects conducted online in the past few years are testament to that.  For qualitative sessions, face-to-face interaction is often preferred due to the moderator’s ability to observe and interact with respondents. However, online FGDs and IDIs can be a practical solution for remote interviewing and for a desire to speak with respondents living in different regions within the same session.



Implicit Priming Testing (IPT)


People make most of the everyday decisions on autopilot, driven by unconscious urges, the biggest of which is emotion.  IPT is a tool that allows us to measure reaction times of preferences to different concepts (i.e., product options, display lay-outs & communication routes).  IPT is aimed to detect the presence and depth of an emotional connection when choosing brands, product, concepts, etc. in consumers’ minds. This tool is often used as part of FGD sessions, where we are exploring various options 

When it comes to product offering, IPT assess the strength of the emotional connection, based on the speed of the response to the external stimulus affected by priming (can be visual, semantic). Amongst other things, IPT allows us to identify the category fit of your product, implicit impact of the product on price perception, and can determine the strategy of diversification.


Focus Groups

While FGDs have been around for a long time, the way we administer them has changed over time. Typically, FGDs are 6-8 people in a room, discussing a number of key topics, to allow our client to answer their research objectives. This is still pretty much still the case, although online FGDs and IDIs, and online qualitative group panels have become more prominent in the right circumstances (i.e., tasks to be done over time, remote moderation required, mix of people from different locations, etc.). Embracing new technology and user-friendly feedback platforms (such as What’s app), we are open to all of the ways to conduct qualitative research. Although we do admit, that sometimes good, old-fashioned face-to-face conversations still work best for this medium of research!

FGDs and qualitative research in general allow a more in-depth discussion with consumers and a more fluid way of obtaining insights. This is especially important for exploratory research, new concept development or product optimisation, where the answers are not so obvious. We often combine quant with qual, when it makes sense to do so for our clients :)



New Products & Services



A combination of qual & quant is almost always the best recipe for New Product Development research. The quant module provides the security and weight of numbers in assessing market feasibility and estimates, best options for next phase of development and products or services most likely to succeed in the real marketplace. Conjoint analysis can be effective when working out the best bundle. Driver analysis and Penalty analysis can clarify changes to be made, moving forward.  On the other hand, qualitative insights are the best tool to optimise and maximise concepts and new products – no doubt about it! We have used Eye tracker techniques, Implicit Priming Testing and Facial imaging to supplement our qualitative insights, when it’s most effective to do so

NPD research is the best way to ensure that money is not wasted when developing ideas, concepts or products. By using the right tools for the job, we provide our clients confidence in what is being done well, what’s not been done quite so well, and the best strategy to move forward. In NPD research, the right interpretation and reading between the lines is especially important, when providing recommendations and action plans for the future. We are happy to stand along side you in decisions made!

Online Qualitative 


Once upon a time, online qual was considered heresy. But times change and the onset of pandemics sometimes means that times change quicker than might have been the case otherwise. Of course, technology advances have been impossible to ignore even in qualitative research (once considered the last bastion of face-to-face, traditional interaction). So now, we offer our client online FGDs, online qual consumer panels, what’s app feedback groups, implicit priming techniques, facial imaging and eye tracking – as part of the overall qualitative portfolio

Online qualitative can add a level of flexibility in the way the research is done. While we miss being able to see,’ touch’ and ‘feel’ respondents directly, we can communicate across country borders, overcome regional differences and create communities more easily with online qualitative techniques. As usage of social media, apps, online platforms become more normal, then online qualitative research with our recruited respondents becomes normal as well. Research should always reflect real time and feel as natural as possible


Online Quantitative 

It wasn’t very long ago when quantitative research was dominated by face-to-face and telephone interviews. We can safely say that has all changed – pretty much anywhere in the world, including Asia and Malaysia. Most of the quantitative research that we conduct for our clients is conducted online via online panels. Online quant is our friend and we like it!

An online quantitative approach is, typically, the most time and cost-effective way for our clients to conduct research. Gone are the days where our client had to wait 3 months to obtain feedback on their pressing issue, which was always too late. Online has given us a nimble, flexible and consistent tool to conduct research across most sectors for our clients. Importantly, online research has also evolved, so that the days of worrying about data quality are pretty much a thing of the past. The quality recruitment processes and data quality checks means that there is more scrutiny and transparency for quantitative interviewing than ever before.



Social Media Strategy  


We all know that social media is part of all of our daily lives. So, it’s only right that understanding social media should be an important part of our research landscape. We are able to measure the impact of social media spend as part of our research projects or trackers, in the same way we are for other media, by asking targeted questions about the social media campaigns. Alternatively, we work with social media technology partners on behalf of our clients, to track the effectiveness of their social media advertising on an ongoing basis by measuring their share of voice, share of mind and share of heart on various platforms where our client might be present (such as Facebook, Instagram, Shopee, etc.)

It is vital these days, to be able to assess the impact of social media in the overall marketing mix, since most clients are spending an increasing part of their budget on social media platforms. Our approach integrates measurement of the more traditional media with the new media channels, to have a holistic understanding of the effectiveness of each channel. In employing the right tools, we assess our clients’ needs and choose the optimum, tailored approach. No decision is made without mutual agreement on the best way forward!


Website Analytics

Websites have become a window to the world about us - our brands, our products, our services, our people and our heart & soul :) So, it’s important to make sure that our website reflects our vision and is in line with what we want for our customers.

Typically, for this type of research, we like to recruit respondents qualitatively so that they can access the website ‘live’ and describe their experience to us, as they go. We have used eye tracking technology in the past, to develop heat maps, an accompaniment to the deep dive. Our qualitative moderators are able to see what respondents see, and delve on the overall experience. This is often conducted as a one-on-one exercise (IDIs) but sometimes within FGDs 

For website performance assessment, ‘live’ experiences are much more powerful than recalled experience, especially when pinpointing strengths and weaknesses, and diagnosing what changes should be made to maximise the customer experience. Benchmarking against key competitor websites is also useful, in understanding our client’s relative overall website performance